Sunday, March 6, 2016


This day, revered in more than 170 countries worldwide, is a Christian celebration held on the first Friday in March and conducted under the motto "informed prayer and prayerful action".  It is a day which brings together Christians,  predominantly women,   of various races, cultures and traditions in a common day of prayer and fellowship. 
This year in Esk, the observance was co-ordinated by the gracious men and women of the Uniting Church and conducted by representatives of many denominations in the  beautiful little wooden Church amongst the trees.  The service highlighted the struggles of the World Host Country, Cuba, through the theme "receive children, receive me", a theme unbroken as it continued throughout the eloquent address by Guest Speaker, Pastor John Hooper who spoke of the dreams of the Cuban elders, the vision of the young and the wisdom of children.
The delicious morning tea enjoyed by many was indicative of the warmth of the Christian welcome to all those who came to celebrate and learn and it was the Esk Community Choir's  privilege to be invited to lead this poignant service in song. 

by: Sue Walker

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