Monday, April 20, 2020


Anything Goes

While there is no doubt recent times have been tough in the trenches for so many organizations and indications appear that things might be returning to an upside of the line, the reality is that the Covid- 19 battle ahead should not go unnoticed. However, there is always hope and though the Esk Community Choir has, like so many others, had to cancel events scheduled for the coming months, it is a choir which has not been idle but relishing the weekly ‘choir by correspondence’ emails from Choir Director, Alexis, outlining instruction on new music including quizzes to sort out gaps in their grasp of new songs and stimulate further interest in their music. Often there will be youtube links to some amazing choral performances to stimulate endorphins, perchance to learn a thing or two and sometimes a motivational quote shoehorned into the ‘lesson’ for the sheer joy of it;  for it is going to take more than an enforced time-out to keep this choir from ‘going gently into that good night’.

For the Choir now 42 years in the making, this obligatory hiatus has also allowed for many of the longer and not so longer serving members the time to reflect on some of the thousand and one moments which have moulded and shaped the Esk Community Choir from its humble beginnings to the choral force it has become today.  Enduring are the echoes of countless concerts performed in the old Lyceum Hall, in churches of all denominations, at charitable functions, weddings, funerals and celebrated Christmas concerts, the 30th of which is  scheduled for December 6th at the Somerset Civic Centre and is certain to be a gala celebration on so many levels.  There have been performances enjoyed by the old folk at Alkira and other residences for the aged;  with international choirs at the Sydney Opera House and ANZAC Days in Esk. Highlights amongst many have been full musical productions, wacky theatre restaurants, choral tours to Europe and the Queensland outback as well as collaborations with other choirs and orchestras near and far… all wonderful shared experiences which have defined our choir’s successes.

There will be an end to this lockdown and when it happens, Alexis, Margaret and the Esk Community Choir will be there to continue their journey with a feast of musical events to remind us all of the importance of music in our lives.
By: Sue Walker

A little walk through our photo collection     (The pale blue captions are links to stories and photos)

Early choir performances
1995 New Moon

1997 Pyjama Games

2009 Sydney Opera House

2012 Blackbutt Italian Concert

2012 Christmas with the Semitones

2013 Flashmob

2013 Humpty, Margaret and Tom

2013 Woongooroo Winery (Alexis and Karen) 

2013 Tabeel Laidley

2013 High Tea and Harmony

2013 Jan and Robyn - Alkira Toogoolawah

2014 Cork Tour

2014 Sue and Trish 

2014 Advent Toogoolawah

2015 Les Miserable (Master of the House) 

2015 the Sweethearts of Song are born

2016  Phantom of the Opera (Nola)

2016 Phantom of the Opera 

2016 Beatles Night Esk 

2016 Jammin in Esk - My Fair Lady

2016 Fanciful and Familiar - Lloyd (Nothin like a dame) 

2016 Performance in Germany T16
2016 Wearin O the Green

2017 Fanciful and Familiar (Nola)

2017 Christmas

2017 Fairies Tripping  Gilbert and Sullivan

2017 Trial by Jury - Carolyn and Eric

2018 All that Jazz

2018 Christmas with the Muppets

2018 Gala 40th Anniversary Concert 

2018 A Knight to Remember 

2018 A knight to Remember - Men in Tights

2018 A Knight to Remember - Merlin (Tom) 
2019 Cantiamo Tour Italy (Florence)

2019 The Tenors Concert 

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