Sunday, December 13, 2020


ONE from Chorus Line... Anna, Sue, Marina, Eric, Kathie, Grace & Helene.  Accompanist - Alexis

It was a case of wait and wonder when, or more pointedly, if the ‘Covid 19' cutbacks might come into force allowing for capacity audiences in venues.  Fortunately for the event organizers at the Murphy’s Creek Tavern, they did…in the nick of time to enable the Esk Community Choir to ‘Serve in Song’ and spread some musical Christmas cheer to a bus load of Brisbane folk who were dropping in for lunch, hopeful of some enjoyable entertainment.

And entertain them Alexis and a bunch of Choir members did.  It was, as they say in the classics, hot as the hinges of hell on that Saturday December 5th but despite the oppressive temperatures, the show did go on with gusto. With Alexis at the keyboard providing the accompaniment and commentary, there were songs of old, some new, some borrowed but there was nothing blue about the atmosphere when the members of the choir engaged the enthusiastic audience with so many of the songs they knew so well.  A sparkling line-up of choir members strutted their stuff with ONE from a ‘Chorus Line’ setting the scene for what was to follow. Evergreens Puttin’ on the Ritz, You’ll Never Walk Alone, A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square and when Carolyn began singing the Doris Day classic Che Sera Sera, mass participation became unavoidable including one lucky cove plucked from his chair to show off his dance moves.

Carolyn King - Che Sera Sera

Marina - A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square
Sue - Puttin' on the Ritz

Between servings of scrumptious Christmas fare, the entertainment forged on with Tutti Fluti by our two talented flute tooters, Ruth and Suzanne; the celebrated Gershwin duet, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off, equally memorable when performed by Mother and daughter duo, Marina and Grace.  A bit of moggie mayhem by Susie and Kathleen to the music of Rossini followed by Eric, aka Noel Coward reborn, with the Rhumba number Nina(from Argentina) complete with colourful parrot. Backed in part by the choir, Di’s sensitive performance of The Rose and Denis rounding things up with the Theme from Rawhide brought the choir group back to the performance area for some carol singing.  To Margaret’s beautiful accompaniment and with Alexis poised at the music stand inspiring confidence, the choir sang carols to an audience whose faces lit up on a par with their colourful Christmas surroundings to bring the Christmas celebration and a wonderful concert to a close.  There’s power in an appreciative audience.  It is enough to make a Choir want to come back! 

Di Chaplin - The Rose  (choir backing)

Suzanne and Ruth - Tuttie Flutti 

Trevor with Choir - The Holy City

Marina and Grace - Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Denis - Rawhide

Eric - Nina

Sue and Kathie - Comic Cats Duet

Denis and Helene

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